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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Best Diet for Successful Weight Loss

Has that time come again? have you looked in the mirror recently and thought that the person in the reflection couldn't possibly be you? Or have you simply decided to stop ignoring those bulges that have been stealthily advancing round your middle and other places we wont mention right now. Maybe you can't quite fit into your favorite clothes like you used to, and have discarded the notion that they have "shrunk in the wash." One thing is certain, it's time to lose weight, it's time to lose fat.

Here we come to the first stumbling block, what is the best way to go about losing fat, or losing weight, or becoming slim again, or even becoming slim for the first time? These days there is an enormous number of diets out there to chose from. There are diets that don't work, there are diets and workouts designed by sadists for masochists, there are even diets that can be harmful to your health, not only diets but I see that most existing gyms now seem to be re-inventing themselves as "Wellness" clubs.

I have tried many diets over the years, I have even done the "Cabbage Soup Diet" a few times, usually just before going on holiday to some part of the world renown for its excellent cuisine, then on my return home, after eating and drinking to gourmand standard, I would be back to my previous size. "A bit cynical," you might think, but there you go, that's youth for you. As for the other diets they either peter out through boredom or through losing the will to live from having to live on tasteless pap, or through rebelling against paying through the nose for those expensive ready cooked diet meals.

Whatever... We are by evolution an omnivorous species, we are generally taught that we should live a happy and fulfilled life. I know therefore that I am happy and fulfilled when I am able to eat and drink those things that please me most. The good news is, that I think I have found a diet that I can live with, an intelligent diet, and fortunately, one that I can share with you. If you would be so kind as to follow me, I shall endeavor to lead you to it.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss And Menopause

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