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Friday, October 25, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Results - How to Diet For the Fastest Loss

I am going to explain how to diet to get fast weight loss results. The challenge for many people who begin a diet is that the results come too slow and they lose motivation to go on. It is certainly true that fast results are motivational and this article will go over how you can get the fastest results out of your diet.

Fast Weight Loss Results

1. Eat carbohydrates by noon. If you want to really speed your fat loss then shift the time of day you eat carbohydrates. By finishing eating them by lunch you create an internal environment in your body that favors fat burning. The reason is because when your body has carbs coming in through the diet it chooses them first to burn for energy and neglects body fat which is a bit harder to convert to energy.

By not giving your body carbs in the evening it is forced to burn body fat helping you speed fat loss.

2. No refined carbs. These quick burning carbs such as baked goods, pretzels, chips and chocolate cause a spike of insulin when eaten. When you body has high insulin levels it shuts down fat burning. Cut these foods out of your diet and you will enhance your body's ability to burn fat.

3. Drink 8 glasses of water. Water is needed by your body to metabolize fat, you can drink other non-calorie drinks but water should be your first choice.

4. Keep a food journal. This seems like an unlikely way to get quicker weight loss but it is because it gives you accountability and eliminates guesswork which cuts out little mistakes that cost you time.

For fast weight loss results use these tips and you will not only see quick drops on the scale but you will also stay highly motivated.

For More Related Topics Blog: Food That Makes You Lose Weight

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