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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Looking For Some Rapid Weight Loss? Here's What You're Going to Have to Do

Are you wondering how to achieve some rapid weight loss? If you're tired of seeing your weight drop far too slowly, I'm going to share with you a few tips that might be able to help speed things up for you:

1. Cut Out The Cheat Meals

If you're having cheat meals twice a week or even once a week, try eliminating them completely and see what happens. Cheat meals are good to keep you psychologically sane, but if you need to break past a barrier, it's good to set them aside for a while. I personally have gone as long as 1 whole month without cheating and I saw the greatest amount of weight loss in that month.

2. Up The Intensity Of Your Workouts

Now if you want to see rapid weight loss, you can try increasing the intensity of both your weight lifting routine as well as your cardio routine. Try lifting a weight which you can barely do 6-8 repetitions with and use that throughout your workout. Also, for cardio, try increasing the incline or the resistance levels to make things harder on you. Your body is smart and adapts to your workouts, give it a challenge and the weight loss will continue.

3. Stay Focused

Lastly, in order to achieve rapid weight loss, you need to stay supremely focused on the task at hand. You need to be unwavering in your ability to follow a plan and not deviate from it. If you can do this, you will see some amazing results.

For More Related Topics Blog: Prescription Weightloss

For More Related Topics Blog: Prescription Weightloss

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